Sunday, August 28, 2011

Define Spaces & Divide Rooms with Glass Partitions

Do you live in an apartment where every square inch of floor space is considered spacious? Or maybe you have an office where there are only a few employees, but you cannot actually hold private meetings due to a lack of space? For these, an ideal solution would be to use sliding glass panels as a space-saving solution.

Glass in general is considered as a durable, modern and beautiful material for home and office fixtures because they let as much of the natural light into the interiors as possible. Instead of spending a lot of money on lighting costs, you can save energy by simply replacing opaque walls with glass walls. If you have a small bathroom and you’d like to have a shower enclosure, you can simply use sliding glass panels and have that instant privacy without actually needing the extra floor space. These are just a few instances when the use of architectural glass walls proves to be handy – there are a lot more applications besides that.

How Glass Partitions Define Spaces & Divide Rooms

Now that you already have a basic idea about the multitude of uses of glass panels as walls, let us see how they can clearly define a space or divide rooms – be it in the office or at home:

  • You can use sliding glass walls as an instant, sound-proof meeting room in the office without having to actually invest in additional floor space.

One of the biggest problems that small business owners have, especially those who are in the middle of expansion, is the lack of floor space. Renting an office space costs quite a lot, so it might be difficult to find a place for meetings once you have already used the vacant space for your employee’s workstations. This is where glass panels come in handy.

If you need to meet with a few people and you’d like it to be confidential, you can simply use a sliding glass wall to divide a large room into two small, more private rooms. Glass has the added bonus of being sound proof, so you don’t have to worry about other employees knowing what’s going on behind closed glass walls.

  • You can use a glass partition as a shower stall in the bathroom.

As mentioned earlier, one of the most common applications of glass partitions is as shower stalls in bathrooms.

  • You can use mirrored glass doors for your wardrobe.

Your bedroom may also be another area where you need to save space. With sliding mirrored glass doors, you do not need the extra swing space required by hinged doors so it really is an ideal solution.

  • You can utilize architectural glass walls which slide over to one side completely and not have a separation between the indoors and the outdoors.

At home, you can use glass walls as a beautiful extension of the outdoors. When the panels slide over completely to one side, it would be like there is no separation between your living room or patio and the front lawn or backyard.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways that sliding glass walls define spaces and separate rooms from each other – so have a handyman install one for your home now!